GUAN Fengbo
PhD Student
The University of Tokyo
Room: De202
TEL&FAX: +81-(0)3-5452-6171 (EXT: 56171)
The Japanese page is here
Oct. 2022-Present
PhD., Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Sep. 2019-Jun.2022
M.Eng., Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Jiangsu University
Sep. 2015-Jun. 2019
B.eng., Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University
Research Interests
Heat and mass transfer, Porous medium, Optimization design
J. Qu, F. Guan, Y. Lv, Y. Wang. Experimental study on the heat transport capability of micro-grooved oscillating heat pipe. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101210
Proceedings in English
Guan F, Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Dissimilar heat transfer enhancement in a flow between parallel porous plates with an upstream disturbance at low reynolds numbers
The 3rd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference(PRTEC),
Honolulu, USA (2024).