Yosuke HASEGAWA, Ph.D., D.Eng.

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Room: De201
TEL&FAX: +81-(0)3-5452-6171 (EXT: 56171)
E-mail: ysk [at]
Japanese page is here
- Feb. 1977
- Born in Tokyo
- Mar. 1999
- B. Eng., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Mar. 2001
- M. Eng., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Sept. 2004
- D. Eng., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Oct. 2004 - Mar. 2007
- Project Research Associate, 21st Century COE Program "Mechanical Systems Innovation", The Univ. of Tokyo
- Apr. 2007 - Apr. 2012
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Apr. 2010 - Apr. 2012
- JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad (Center of Smart Interfaces, Technical University of Darmstadt)
- May 2012 - Mar. 2013
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Apr. 2013 - Aug. 2015
- Lecturer, Institute of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Aug. 2015 - Mar. 2023
- Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo
- Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
- Visiting Scholar, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
- Apr. 2023 - Present
- Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The Univ. of Tokyo
Research Interests
- Modeling of Interfacial Turbulent Heat and Mass Transfer for Environmental Prediction
- Smart Control of Turbulence and Associated Transport Processes for Sustainable Society
- Heat Transfer in Micro Two-Phase Flow for High Heat-Flux Cooling Applications
- Molecular-Scale Heat Transfer at a Liquid-Vapor-Solid Triple-Phase Meniscus Region
- Award for Distinguished Young Researcher in Fluid Mechanics, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Feb. 17 (2015).
- "Optimal Control of Heat and Momentum Transfer in Wall Turbulence"
- Yayoi Award, Instisute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Jul. 18 (2012).
- "Deterministic Optimization of Three Dimensional Porous Structure for Efficient Energy Utilization"
- Young Researcher Award, The Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Jun. 3 (2009).
- "Research on High Schmidt Number Turbulent Mass Transfer near a Solid Wall"
- Young Engineer Award, The Japan Society of Mechnical Engineering, Apr. 7 (2009).
- "Modeling of Turbulet Mass Transfer across Interfaces with Various Dynamical Conditions"