Hasegawa Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo




  • Yugeta, Y., Dean's Award, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Mar., 2024.


  • Fang, T., Liu, Z., Hamba, F., Hasegawa, Y., 9th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Best Paper Award,
    “Non-local effects on the dissimilarity between Reynolds shear stress and turbulent heat flux in wall turbulence subject to a streamwise traveling wave of wall blowing and suction”, December 6, 2023.
  • Tomizawa, S., Best Presentation Award, Interdisciplinary field, 8th Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization,
    "DPD simulation of blood flow taking into account dynamics of red blood cells in Zebrafish", May 27th, 2023.


  • Kaneko, K., Tsugane, M., Sato, T., Hayakawa, T., Hasegawa, Y., Suzuki, H., IEEE-NEMS 2022, CM Ho Best Paper in Micro/Nanofluidics,
    “Detection of Nanoparticles in A Minute Sample Using the Vibration Induced Flow”, April 17, 2022, Web: https://ieee-nems.org/2022/.
  • Hasegawa, Y., Best Presentation Award, Interdisciplinary field, 7th Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization,
    “Vascular Biology and Thermo-Fluids Engineering", Mar 4th, 2022.
  • Kametani, Y., Fukuda, Y., Osawa, T., Hasegawa, Y., FY2021 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering Award (Paper),
    “A new framework for design and validation of complex heat transfer surfaces based on adjoint optimization and rapid prototyping technologies”
    (Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 2, Aug., 2020), Mar. 4th, 2022.


  • Hasegawa, Y. Award for Distinguished Young Researcher in Fluid Mechanics, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics,
    "Optimal Control of Heat and Momentum Transfer in Wall Turbulence”, Feb. 17, 2016.