LIU Ming(リュー ミン)
居室: 駒場キャンパス 生産技術研究所 De棟201号室
電話&FAX: 03-5452-6171 (内線: 56171)
E-mail: liuming [at]
English page is here
- Sep. 2012-Jun. 2016
- BS, Thermal and Power Engineering, Southeast University
- Aug. 2016-Jun.2021
- Ph.D., Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Tsinghua University
Topology optimization; Immersed boundary method; Turbulent flow; Porous medium; Turbomachinery
[1] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Adjoint-based shape optimization for compressible flow based on volume penalization method
Engineering with Computers,
Online (2024).
[2] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Inverse design optimization of the spatial distribution of emissivity for radiative transfer problems based on adjoint method
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
277: 113085 (2024).
[3] Liu M, Tan L, Zhao X, Ma C, Gou J.
“Theoretical model on transient performance of a centrifugal pump under start-up conditions in pumped-storage system
299: 131452 (2024).
[4] Liu M, Matsubara K, Hasegawa Y.
“Adjoint-based shape optimization for radiative transfer in porous structure for volumetric solar receiver
Applied Thermal Engineering,
246: 122899 (2024).
[5] Han Y, Liu M, Tan L.
“A review on the application of hybrid RANS-LES methods in hydraulic machinery
Ocean Engineering,
305: 117943 (2024).
[6] Lu Y, Liu M, Tan L, Liu D.
“Design Method for Impeller of Centrifugal Pump With Guide Vanes Based on Oseen Vortex
ASME Journal of Fluids, Engineering,
146: 061205 (2024).
[7] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Adjoint-based shape optimization for radiative transfer using level-set function and volume penalization method
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
210: 124158 (2024).
[8] Liu M, Han Y, Tnan L, Lu Y, Ma C, Gou J.
“Theoretical prediction model of transient performance for a mixed flow pump under fast start-up conditions
Physics of Fluids,
35(2): 025125 (2023).
[9] Wang H, Tan L, Liu M, Liu X, Zhu B.
“Numerical investigation on the transition flow around NLF airfoil
16(4): 1826 (2023).
[10] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Volume penalization method for solving coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer problems in complex geometries
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
200: 123499 (2023).
[11] Zhai W, Liu M, Huang C, Cheng D, Tan L.
“Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Characteristics around Cylinders with Crosswise and Streamwise Arrangements in Ocean Energy
16(22): 7605 (2023).
[12] Liu M, Wang B, Tan L.
“Correlation of drag coefficient between rising bubbles in chain
Physics of Fluids,
34(4): 043314 (2022).
[13] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Performance Prediction
and Geometry Optimization for Application of Pump as Turbine”
A Review. Frontiers in Energy
Research, 9: 818118, 2022
[14] Han Y, Liu M, Tan L.
“Method of data-driven mode decomposition for cavitating flow in a Venturi nozzle
Ocean Engineering,
261: 112114 (2022).
[15] Lu Y, Tan L, Han Y, Liu M.
“Cavitation-vibration correlation of a mixed flow pump under steady state and fast start-up conditions by experiment
Ocean Engineering,
251: 111158 (2022).
[16] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Influence of viscosity on energy performance
and flow field of a multiphase pump”
Energy, 162: 1151-1160, 2020.
[17] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Method of dynamic mode decomposition and
reconstruction with application to a three-stage multiphase pump”
Energy, 208: 118343,
[18] Liu M, Tan L, Xu Y, Cao S.
“Optimization design method of multi-stage
multiphase pump based on Oseen vortex”
of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184: 106532,
[19] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Dynamic mode decomposition of gas-liquid
flow in a rotodynamic multiphase pump"
Renewable Energy, 139: 1159-1175, 2019.
[20] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Dynamic mode decomposition of cavitating flow
around ALE 15 hydrofoil”
Energy, 139: 214-227, 2019.
[21] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Theoretical model of energy performance
prediction and BEP determination for centrifugal pump as turbine”
Energy, 172: 712-732,
[22] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“A review of prewhirl regulation by inlet guide
vanes for compressor and pump”
Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and
Energy, 233(6): 803-817, 2019
[23] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Cavitation-vortex-turbulence interaction and one-dimensional model prediction of pressure for hydrofoil ALE15 by large eddy simulation
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering,
141: 021103 (2019).
[24] Liu M, Cao S.
[25] Liu M, Tan
L, Liu Y B, Xu Y, Cao S. [26] Liu M, Tan L, Liu Y B, Xu Y, Cao S. [27] Liu M, Cao S. [28] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S. [29] Liu M, Tan L, Liu M, Hao Y, Xu Y.
“Numerical analysis for interphase forces of
gas-liquid flow in a multiphase pump”
Computations, 35(6): 2386-2402, 2018.
“Controllable velocity
moment and prediction model for inlet guide vanes of a centrifugal
Computations, 35(3): 1364-1382, 2018.
“Large eddy simulation of cavitation vortex interaction and pressure fluctuation around
hydrofoil ALE 15”
Ocean Engineering, 163: 264-274,
“Design method of controllable blade angle and orthogonal optimization
of pressure rise for a multiphase pump”
Energies, 11: 1048,
“Influence of geometry of inlet guide vanes on pressure fluctuations
of a centrifugal pump”
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering,
140: 091204, 2018.
“Influence of prewhirl angle and axial distance on energy performance and pressure fluctuation for a centrifugal pump with inlet guide vanes
10(5): 695 (2017).
[1] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Shape optimization for compressible flows based on volume penalization method and adjoint method
The 3rd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference(PRTEC),
Honolulu, USA (2024).
[2] Guan F, Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Dissimilar Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Flow between Parallel Porous Plates with an Upstream Disturbance at Low Reynolds Numbers
The 3rd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference(PRTEC),
Honolulu, USA (2024).
[3] Liu M, Liu Z, Kato C, Hasegawa Y.
“Discriminator for identifying an under-resolved flow field and its applications to a novel turbulence model for a wall-bounded flow
The 38th CFD Symposium,
Tokyo, Japan (2024).
[4] Endo T, Liu Z, Liu M, Yugeta Y, Itoh T, Kato C, Hasegawa Y.
“Development of Wall Model for Large Eddy Simulation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
The 38th CFD Symposium,
Tokyo, Japan (2024).
[5] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Optimization of the spatial distribution of the emissivity to enhance the thermal absorption efficiency of porous structures for volumetric solar receivers
61st National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan,
Kobe, Japan (2024).
[6] Guan F, Liu M, Han X, Hasegawa Y.
“Dissimilar heat transfer enhancement by a travelling wave-like disturbance induced between parallel porous plates with an upstream obstacle
61st National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan,
Kobe, Japan (2024).
[7] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Carbon dioxide thermochemical splitting using non-stoichiometric compound, III: Shape optimization of porous structure for combined conduction-convection-radiation heat transfer
JSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2023,
Kobe, Japan (2023).
[8] Guan F, Liu M, Han X, Hasegawa Y.
“Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of a flow through multiple parallel porous plates
JSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2023,
Kobe, Japan (2023).
[9] Pan J, Liu M, Matsubara K, Hasegawa Y.
“Carbon dioxide thermochemical splitting using non-stoichiometric compound, II: Combined analysis of thermal conduction, convection and radiative heat transfer in a solar thermal receiver
JSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2023,
Kobe, Japan (2023).
[10] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Shape optimization of porous structures for radiative transfer based on adjoint method
60st National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan,
Fukuoka, Japan (2024).
[11] Liu M, Hasegawa Y.
“Radiative transfer simulation for complex geometries based on immersed boundary technique and level-set function
JSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2022,
Tokyo, Japan (2022).
[12] Pan J, Liu M, Nakakura M, Matsubara K, Hasegawa Y.
“Numerical simulation of combined radiation-conduction-convection heat transfer in porous structure based on an immersed boundary method
JSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2022,
Tokyo, Japan (2022).
[13] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S.
“Influence of prewhirl angle on a centrifugal pump with inlet
guide vane running at turbine mode”
29th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Kyoto, Japan
[14] Liu M, Tan L, Cao S,
Wang B.
“Numerical investigation of initial stage of bubble
Asian Working
Group- IAHR’s Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems,
Beijing, China (2018).